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Monday, March 21, 2005
I have good aim
I had a particularly nice weekend. It wasn't rowdy or eventful, just nice. Thursday, of course, was St. Patrick's Day. So we had a little potluck type of luncheon at work. Anytime things like this occur, nobody really does any work that's not needed immediately, and the whole day is sort of laid back. Always nice. I won't talk about the Irish bar that Cavi and I went to that evening, it wasn't really worth it.

Friday night Cavi and I went to her parents house. They live in a big old farmhouse in Western PA on a good amount of land. Nice dinner and conversation, and then an early night. In the morning they made us breakfast, we relaxed for a bit, and then put on our grubby clothes and headed out to enjoy the beautiful day. We spent the majority of the day hauling firewood, splitting logs, and playing with the dogs (yay! for Lizzie the Great Dane). It was great to be outside after a long winter, and to be doing some useful physical activity after sitting at a desk all week. I found out that I would make a good lumberjack because I can hit a wedge on almost every swing. *TING TING TING* I rock. I also think I have nerve damage in my right thumb. Oh well, the nerve should regenerate soon. Pssst... I know you're singing the lumberjack song right now.

We headed back home at around 3 and then we (I swear we don't always spend this much time together) had dinner at the home of our mutual co-worker and his wife. Their apartment is in this converted barn situated on 30 acres with a pond. And they have a dog, too, Bailey. Any weekend that's a doggie weekend is a good weekend for me.

Still no word on the promotion. Arrrgh. Still, it's only 9.35 on Monday morning.

I may have some other exciting news. Well, exciting for someone who tries to find things in her day-to-day life that are blog-worthy. But I can't say just yet. Watch this space.

posted by LoRi~fLoWer
  • At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    everything and nothing is blog-worthy

  • At 2:16 PM, Blogger LoRi~fLoWer said…

    owen, i might have to disagree with you there.

    gary, you're just going to have to wait like everyone else.

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