For some reason, I watch the Food Network a lot. Keep in mind that as a rule I don't cook and I can't think of a time when I've ever made use of anything I learned while watching cooking shows. Last night I had a dream that I went to Rachael Ray's wedding as her specially invited guest. When her husband (who I don't think I've ever seen on TV and must have made up completely in my head) read his vows to her he proclaimed that he would be taking the last name of Ray. He said "I love the name Ray, I love Rachael, and I love what her name has come to represent to America. I started to tear up and went to sit on the stone wall next to Paul Deen. "That's the most romantic thing I've ever heard," I said to the Southern Belle. "I know, child, y'all coming over for dinner after right?" said Paula. tags: Rachael Ray; PaulaDeen; Food Network; dreams |