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Friday, November 04, 2005
A little something I like to call "The Prank: or when engineers have too much time on their hands"
It all started when Engineer D left his car in the parking lot while taking the company car on travel. He's very proud of his jaguar, being a young buck with a Ph.D. That was his first mistake. A plan was formed, and at about dusk one recent Thursday evening, some covert action took place.

First the participants had to get together everything they thought they needed to execute the project. Luckily we have a warehouse full of gadgets.

Carefully jacking the car up and putting dollies underneath all four wheels was probably the most time consuming part of the process.

After they had all four wheels on dollies they took turns bracing and slowly turning the car 180 degrees while moving it down into a new parking space.

So there's the Jag. Turned around, and in a handicapped spot two spaces down from where it was originally parked.

The next phase of the plan was, of course, the industrial strength shrink wrap. Don't worry, it only sticks to itself. But, it sticks like a bitch to itself.

They systematically wrapped the silver bullet, making sure that they covered every part, because it would be no fun if he found a hole to facilitate ripping it off.

And here they were just about done with their nefarious deed (which, of course, I had no part in planning or executing--just an observer--who happened to have a camera that day).

And there you have it, folks a gift wrapped Jaguar. And believe me, he was very excited when he came in on Friday morning!

But I think he should probably have his alarm checked out. It didn't make a peep!
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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