Tuesday, September 26, 2006 |
The Balloon Festival |
Not one balloon did I see at the balloon festival. Balloons have pretty stringent weather requirements. Saturday it was raining and Sunday there were high winds. The one time the balloons did go up, we missed them.
Still the trip was nice. It's beautiful country up there on the New York/Vermont border. Here are the pics:
Flicker Photo Set
I did have a bit of a scare. I found a tick on my leg on Sunday morning. We watched the bite area on Monday and since it looked like this:

I made a doctor's appointment. So the good news is that I probably don't have Lyme's Disease. The bad news is when my friend removed the tick she squeezed so hard that she gave me a haematoma on my leg at the site of the bite--hence the red and purpleness.
One last thing: Go here. Wes drew my picture, as he promise a long time ago. |
posted by LoRi~fLoWer Permalink