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Monday, November 22, 2004
Your Blog as a Mirror
Before I started blogging I would go about normally from day to day, week to week. Some days went faster than others, some weeks were more exciting than others. I took it all in stride. Now I'm rolodexing through my life trying to find things to write about.

A boring week translates into writer's block, which is kind of depressing. I suppose I could turn to finding an interesting link on the web and posting it, or writing some sort of commentary on current events...but that would really take away from my "the world revolves around me" stance.

A brief overview of the Boring Life of Lori could go something like this right now:

  • We've decided to go to my dad's sister's for Thanksgiving. I'm glad about this. We'll get to be with family (recent years past—not counting last year— it's been mom and me eating a turkey breast) including my Grandmom from Queens. I love to get her talking about how easy it is to get lost in NYC. It never fails that she says, in her un-imiatatable Brooklyn accent: "You got a mouth? You gotta mouth, you're never lost. You're never lost if you gotta mouth." I love her! We'll also probably tell funny stories about my dad, which I love. Talking about him doesn't really make me sad anymore, and I love to hear about what he was like when he was little.
  • Apparently, my brother and his wife (the other one, not monkeybro) are separated, at least temporarily. This makes me sad, as I love them both, and my two nephews, but I probably won't post much on it. It's their story to tell or not as they choose, not mine to broadcast.
  • I'm earning some extra money editing one of the engineer's Ph.D. dissertation. I can only read about 10 pages of it at a time before I want to slice my throat with a butter knife. It's not badly written, but there are all kinds of medical terms. It's hard to concentrate on something you don't understand, although it is possible to edit the grammar and syntax.
  • My ex-roommate is withholding my $550 security deposit, apparently because I sat on her couch and didn't vacuum as often as she thought I should have. We'll see about that. I fought Hyundai's machine, surely I can win against a diminuitive blonde.
  • My supervisor is pregnant. Not being a fan of child-rearing myself, I am, however, very excited for her. And I do like babies. It's when they start to form their own personality that I start to disassociate from them. I bought her a hard book of Good Night Moon. I hope she comes back after her maternity leave!
And so it goes, and so it goes. I'm actually starting to feel the teensiest bit Christmassy.
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger bella said…

    "...but that would really take away from my "the world revolves around me" stance." LOVE that! Wishing you a lovely and yummy Thanksgiving holiday :)

  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger LoRi~fLoWer said…

    You too!

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