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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Anger Managment
Do you think that some people--and for once I'm not being sarcastic at all--can only be "content" when they have something to be annoyed at? Seriously, I think this is how some people get by. And I' m not faulting them for it, it's just interesting.

Me, I'm continually striving to put everything in place. I want to be happy. I have a set of things that I think would make me happy and I try to get them one at a time, or, if possible, by the handful. Who doesn't want to be happy, though? My work, employment-related or otherwise, suffers when something or someone is causing me stresss. But I have seen, and know, people that seem to use their anger to fuel them--to propell them further on the path that they want to follow. And it works for them, really.

My anger flares and fizzles. I get all in an uproar, I blog about it, yell about it, whatever, and then it's pretty much gone. I don't think I could maintain it. It takes a lot of energy to be angry all the time.

What about you?
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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