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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Some things you never knew you wanted to know about me
In general, I am not a neat and organized person. In fact, when I finally received the title to my car in the mail, I had my mom keep it. I've lost things like that before. There are certain things though, about which I'm very particular. For one, I'm quite organized at work. Especially the way I have my computer set up.

What prompted this entry was my accidentally shutting down Outlook while closing out a few other programs (read: web browser windows). But, you see, I always have to have Outlook as the very first program on my I had to close out all my programs and reopen them again so Outlook would be on top. Also, unlike most people I know, my task bar must be on the right hand side of my screen. Observe:
Also take note of my carefully organized "Quick Launch Toolbar." This is so I neither have to go to my desktop nor my Start button for my most frequently accessed programs. I have even created quick launch icons that take me to two of the directories I use most frequently. When I do use my desktop, however, all my icons must be lined up in neat and straight little rows like so:
All of this is in complete contrast from the rest of my life. The inside of my car looks like a person addicted to Dunkin Donuts Coffee has been living in it for months, my dresser drawers take whatever the laundry basket throws their way, and I couldn't possibly tell you where the paperwork from last years tax returns is located, although I know I made all the requisite copies.

I lead a double life.
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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