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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I am in serious need of some help
Remember how I revealed to you my gossip blog addiction? It's still going strong, and even though I haven't had as much time lately, I at least try to check up on the latest once a day. I've stopped being embarrassed about it...I just don't talk about it...much... because...well...I just don't.

But it's having a strange unlooked for side effect. Last night I had my third dream in which P*r*s Hil**n and I were hanging out. This one happened to involve her falling down and needing a ambulance, which I called for her, my good friend. When the medics arrived they picked her up and threw her in the ambulance but she flew out the door on the other side and landed in the middle of the street.

I know, I know, but I didn't think it funny at the time. My BFF "P" was in serious danger. I ran into the middle of the street and picked her up myself and gently placed her in the ambulance. I then accused the paramedics of hurting her on purpose, mentioned that nobody understood her because all they saw was the bad stuff in the news about her, and told them to get her to the hospital. I remember also at some point checking her pupils to see if they were dilated on the way to the hospital. Then I woke up.

What the hell is wrong with me? Is there some sort of recovery program for this?
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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