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Thursday, December 07, 2006
Travel Journal Day 6
[So this is the last day of my trip that I actually journaled. I suppose I'll have to delve into my memory for the rest.]

November 16th
Wake in: Bath
Sleep in: Oxford

I'm on the train headed to Oxford, but I have to manage a switch somewhere called Didcot Parkway. I should have a half hour before it leaves to figure it out.

I was just thinking "wow only 3 more days" but then "actually I might be about ready to head home by then." It's tiring going from place to place. It was great at the White Hart Inn in Bath because I wasn't always worrying about where my stuff was, because I could lock everything in my hotel room and only carry the minimum. Maybe the lockers at the Oxford YHA will be bigger. I am so glad that I brought the earplugs and sleeping mask! The earplugs even helped lots at the hotel because the window wasn't very good at keeping noise--traffic noise mainly--out. I might see if I can bump to a private room at the hostel in Oxford. It's all on credit card after all. *fear and trembling*

Last night was hard, like I said. Being alone, then surrounded, then alone again. But you know, it's just one of those things that you put your head down and bulldoze through (kind of like the crowds of schoolchildren at the Roman Baths). So I reached out from where I was: sent N a text to let him know I was coming in, gave P a call to let him know the same and to find out what his plans were.

Today I should be arriving at Oxford at around 12.15 and then meeting up with N. He seems to be a bit reserved, but a nice guy, so we'll have to see. I'll be on my best non-Americanly, non-obnoxious behavior. Tomorrow we will meet with P and I have all day in Oxford. The next day I leave in the evening for Manchester, overnight there and then home.



I got off the train and (yay!) there was N to meet me at the station.

Oh how lovely to have someone to help me negotiate finding the hostel. He seems quite nice altogether and has said I can stay in his guest room tomorrow night if I want. And I splurged and got a private room at the hostel for tonight.

I am now safe at N's and he's going to make me Toad in the Hole for dinner.

[In the afternoon we walked around Oxford a bit and I took some pictures. We had lunch at a pub called The Turf. To get to N's I had to take the bus all by myself because N had cycled into town, but he beat the bus to the stop and was there waiting for me again.]

posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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