Last night I had a car load of stuff to unload at my mom's. The problem was that it was absolutely pouring! I knew I wouldn't want to do it when I got up in the morning, so I forced myself to make the 5 or so trips in the downpour.
I walked into the house dripping and was about to head upstairs to change when I thought to myself "I wonder..."
Instead of going upstairs I walked into the kitchen and stood in front of my mother. "It's raining really hard out there," I said. "Brrrrr, I'm freezing now!" *Drip drip* Then I waited.
My mom turned to look at me and exclaimed: "Get upstairs and get out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold!"
I smiled and headed upstairs, secure in the knowledge that some things never change, even if you are a month away from turning 30.