Tuesday, September 28, 2004 |
What do you think? |
Well, after I had breathed a sigh of relief that Mr. GoDutch hadn't called in 2 days, I got an email from him this morning, written last night.
"Just wanted to drop you a note to say I had a great time Friday night. You were very brave to try the Sushi. Now we just need to work on that lobster thing. ;-) " Again with the lobsters? He has no free time this week but wants to get together again. I know I'm not really attracted to him, and now we've set this pattern where I'm going to end up paying...
Do I just not answer the email? That's pretty chicken. Do I say thanks but I'm not attracted to you? And include the bit of advice about paying on the first date? Although I have been hearing from some guys that if I didn't want to pay I shouldn't have offered. Oh, and my personal favorite...if a guy paid for every first date that was going to go nowhere, he'd be broke. Hmmm...someone out there has to be reading this. What do you think?
posted by LoRi~fLoWer Permalink