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Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Sometimes I can get over myself
Remember my post about the horrible time I had with Well, in addition to making sure they knew how crap they are, and also posting the complaint here, I also wrote a letter to US Airways, complimenting the woman at their ticket counter who tried to help me straighten things out:

Dear US Airways

I'd like to advise you of an exceptional experience I had with one of your airline personnel. I'm not sure of her last name, but her first name is Sharon. She works at the counter as a supervisor at LAX. On May 23, 2005, apt around 10am, I was having horrible problems with the company with which I booked my ticket (more on that later). I was trying desperately to get the situation straightened out on the phone with them at the same time as I was trying to explain my situation to Sharon. She immediately got the gist of what was going on and took matters into her own hands. She saw that I was very upset and telling her the truth of my situation. She took action and got me on a flight home. I didn't know anyone in Los Angeles and was due at work the next morning. In addition, there was going to be someone waiting to pick me up at the other end of my journey. I don't know what I would have done if I had been stranded in L.A. Sharon made a horrible situation bearable, and I wish I could do more than just send this letter. I hope it finds its way to someone that will let her know she is doing a wonderful job. I'm sure sometimes it's hard to distinguish between people trying to take advantage of the system and people who are honestly in a situation they had no part in creating. And I'm sure it's easy to err on the cynical side. Sharon did not, and I am so grateful for that.

In addition, I'd like to note that the company that I had the problem with was They spelled both my first and last name wrong (a nightmare in this era of tight security) and neglected to tell me when my flight had changed. They also neglected to refund my friend money after canceling, with her consent, a ticket she had purchased. This caused her not only to have to put a stop payment on her debit card, but also to have to cancel her entire bank account and open a new one. I know that this company is not affiliated with you in any way. I don't really know how the system works, but if I were US Airways, I'd seriously consider not allowing to sell seats on your airline. I believe they are a fraudulent, or at least very unprofessional, company.

Thank You

See? If you complain you should also compliment. I asked them to confirm receipt of my fax via email, but I hadn't heard from them until today:

Dear Ms. :

On behalf of US Airways, I wish to thank you for your thoughtful letter commending Sharon, one of our employees in Los Angeles. We appreciate the time you took to advise us that Sharon provided courteous, helpful and professional service when your ticket needed to be reissued.

Excellent service is essential to our success, and it is always pleasing to know that our efforts have not gone unnoticed. We will make sure your comments are recorded in Sharon's personnel file and passed on directly.

Ms. , thank you for taking the time to share your favorable impressions with us and for giving us the opportunity to be of service to you. We look forward to welcoming you aboard another US Airways flight soon.

Jennifer A. Wagner
Executive Staff
US Airways Office of Consumer Affairs

So that's cool. Maybe my stressful, awful time will at least get Sharon a raise. I hope so.
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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