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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
So I SUCK at Movie Quotes...So What?

How are you at song quotes? How about a little contest? No prize because it's too easy to cheat. But let's challenge ourselves:

1. "Such a custom as yours I could have any day. Well it's no, nay, never, no nay, never, no more."

2. "I wanted to see you walking backwards and get the sensation of you coming home"

3. "Did you think that I would cry on the phone? Do you know what it feels like, being alone? I'll find someone new."

4. "...when a old friend, I happened to see. I introduced her to my loved one, and while they were dancing, my friend stole my sweetheart from me."

5. "I remember running through the wet grass, falling a step behind, both of us never tired..."

6. "It was so easy living day by day. Out of touch with the rhythm and blues. But now I need a little give and take."

7. "Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful."

8. "A schoolboy's dream. You act so shy. Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye."

9. "She's got one in the oven, but it's nothing to do with me."

10. "You do not understand. This is not how I am."

11. "Every streetlight reveals a picture in reverse. Still it's so much clearer."

12. "I have so much to lose here in this lonely place, tangled up in your embrace."

13. "And I speak to you like the chorus to the verse."

14. "Oh baby don't it feel like heaven right now? Don't it feel like something from a dream?"

15. ". . .how blue her eyes can be when she says, when says that she loves me."

16. "If you wanna touch the sky, better learn how to kneel."
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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