Monday, January 17, 2005 |
Take Two: Austin Past or Future |
I moved home from Austin about 4 years ago. It felt so good to be home again. I would just drive and drive over all the roads I knew so well. I still love it here, as I've said in a previous post about contentment. But as soon as I set foot in Austin I realized how much I had missed it. After a few days, I was thinking...why not come back, why not? I could go to UT and get my Master's in something. I could just come back if I found a comparably salaried job.
Why not? Well, because I love my job HERE. Because I love my mom HERE. Because a month ago I wrote a post on contentment. Because I thought I wanted to be out of debt so I could get a house and a dog.
Well why go then? Because since about a month after I got my Bachelor's I wanted to be back in school again. Because I have a solid group of friends there, and a more active social life than I do here. Because I miss my brother and we have such a great time together. Because Austin is AUSTIN.
When I did live there, it wasn't always great. I sunk really low financially, but I'm quite positive that would be different now with the jobs I've had since then. I got homesick. It was really, really hot in the summer.
The biggest thing keeping me here is the job I have now. I really like it, I really like the people I work with, I like what my company accomplishes, I like what I accomplish there. I have an email saved from my supervisor that says "You will always have a career path here." How could I throw that away? If they said I could keep doing what I'm doing for them from Austin, I'd start packing tomorrow.
I guess I just have to give myself some time to work it all out. Do Pro/Con lists really work? I don't even know how to begin. I am trying to keep in mind that maybe all I want to go back to is the freedom of last week, and that moving back to Austin would not be a permenant vacation.
posted by LoRi~fLoWer Permalink