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Thursday, October 06, 2005
An Alleged Rant on my Alleged Blog
About a week ago, at the hospital down the street from my house, a man who was pulled over for driving erractically and assulting his wife was being escorted by police to get a DUI (driving under the influence) test. He seemed calm at the emergency room, but then he grabbed the gun of one of the officers and started shooting. The bullet that killed one officer went through the intoxicated man's hand first. A medical technician and the other officer were also shot. One news story about it is here.

I do understand, and I am thankful for, our justice system's policy of "innocent until proven guilty." I understand that this drunken sot deserves his day in court, in the same way that I would deserve and desire my day in court. I understand that it is not the job of the news media to try and convict someone in the news (although I'm not sure if they understand that sometimes).

Yet it still really rubbed me the wrong way to turn on the news this morning and hear him called "the alleged shooter." I'm sorry. It just did.
posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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