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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
It's like that episode of Sex and the City where....

(At least Becky and Wes will think the title of this post is funny...)

. . .Carrie has just had her 35th birthday and the the four friends are at the coffee shop talking about soulmates. Charlotte says, "Maybe we can be each other's soul mates. And then we can let men be just these great, nice guys to have fun with."

That's the thing I liked Best about SATC, the solid friendship between those four very different women. I've had friendships like that and they are irreplaceable. But they do change. And sometimes it's just really hard to accept that.

My best friend, Megan, is getting married. Married. I wish her all the happiness in the world, and I will do everything in my power to make that wish come true. But my best friend is getting married. She doesn't need me to be her soulmate anymore. She's found her great, nice guy to have fun with.

This changes everything, you know. It is different than when I moved to Texas and we didn't get that apartment together like we had planned for years and we had to make due with phone calls and infrequent visits. It's different than when I came home to Pennsylvania and Meg was living with her then boyfriend and now future husband, Dave. It's even different than when we were working completely opposite schedules and it was a challenge to find some time to spend together.

It's been a long time since her first day at our high school when I said, "you're new? I'm sure I've seen you around here before". . .since the day I wanted to show the city girl what the country girl knew and fell off a tractor in front of 50 people. . .since the summer of Zen and the Jeep, when we were both probably at our most free, and we inhaled that freedom like it was the last breath we would ever take. . .since that Christmas after we'd both lost a grandparent. . .since Meg and I and her now fiance were all just friends dancing on top of a speaker box at the cheesiest club Eastern Pennsylvania had to offer.

So yes, in a way, the news of her engagment made me a little bit sad for our friendship, even though I am so happy for her and Dave. But I do not fear for our friendship. Because the thing that I know about Megan (and I hope she knows about me) is that whenever I need her, wherever she is, whatever she is doing, she will be there for me. We'll have matching rocking chairs at Sunset Meadows.

Megan, I love you, you silly girl! And I can't wait to stand up with you at your wedding.

posted by LoRi~fLoWer
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