Thursday, December 02, 2004 |
The Life |
I worked from home for the first half of the day today. I could really get used to that. Woke up, threw some laundry in, stayed in my PJs. Spent the morning reading a 97 page report sitting on the couch with the laptop and mugs of hot tea. No interruptions, no pages, no fire drills. It made me remember that I acutally ENJOY editing.
When I went into work around lunch time, because I had to fax and mail some things and use the data base, I was much happier and much more productive. It's now slightly past 5pm and I'm not chomping at the bit to get the hell out of this building.
Take note Employer's and HR directors: Let us work the way that works best for us. As long as we get things done, you shouldn't care where we are doing them.
posted by LoRi~fLoWer Permalink