There, now that I've put that song in your head for the rest of the day...
There are 2 more days (including today) before Mom and I leave on our cross-country trek to Austin for my nephew's high school graduation. Mom hasn't been to Austin since Dylan was...well...1 or 2 years old. Maybe my brother remembers better when it was. I know she wasn't out there the whole time that I lived down there. She doesn't fly, you see, hence, the drive. The good thing is, I'll get to play off this good deed for a looooooooooong time. Muhahahahaha.
The plan is to drive from Sellersville, PA to Nashville, TN the first day and then from Nashville to Austin, TX the next day. Around 30 hours of driving as near as I can figure. I'm banking on the adrenaline to get me there, and I've given myself extra time in case I can't manage a 2 day trip back home.
Here's the route:
We're staying at a hotel with wi-fi both in Nashville and in Austin, and I will have my laptop with me. However, I have failed numerous times to blog while on vacation, so I'm not making any promises. But I will promise that if, somewhere in Virginia I have a mental breakdown and refuse to go any farther, I will blog about that.
wow, that's quite a drive. Have a safe trip!