First: The guy in front of me in line for coffee this morning ordered an Onion Bagel with Strawberry Cream Cheese. Is he trying to torture himself? Ew.
I finally got up the courage last night to tell my roofmate that I didn't want to renew our lease for next year. In the process I found out that our lease is actually up in mid-October and not November like I had first thought. Whoever heard of a lease being up in the middle of a month? But anyway. . .
My original plan was to move my stuff into storage at the beginning of November, stay with mom until I left for England on November 10 and then start looking in earnest for a place on my own when I got back. Whereby I would not have the pressure of finding something before my lease terminated so I could get what I really wanted.
Then I found out I might need surgery on my foot which means that I would not be able to put any weight on that foot for 6 weeks. So the stay with mom extended slightly, which was slightly worrying but still fine.
With the earlier deadline it's time for me to start making to-do lists. I have to get a storage shed, and the sooner the better so I can move a little at a time and maybe not have to rent a truck or movers. (I don't have that much stuff; by choice I live pretty light, in order to facilitate my transient nature.) I'm kind of excited about all this, but it does mean a lot of things happening all at once. It also means a commitment to be here at this job and in this state for another year I think. But who knows what the future holds.
My question of the moment is...do I move with all my babies (my books) or do I pare down? You probably won't understand how hard a decision that actually is.
Because of the boring nature of this post, I shall add a Five for Friday List
Five Things I Can See Right Now
1. The picture of the
Yip Yip Martians on my office door
2. Matvif my inherited spider plant. . .who I should probably water today
3. My date book where I write the cases I worked on and how much time I'm billing to them
4. My picture of me and
Becky from the night we went to see Phantom of the Opera. (Until just now I didn't realize that she referenced the same weekend in her post yesterday.)
5. My Word-A-Day desk calendar showing that the word for Friday, August 18, 2006 is "
Five for Friday;