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Saturday, August 05, 2006
New York Trip

Some pictures of our Saturday trip to walk the city and attend Sarah's housewarming party.

We wanted to make sure we got a picture of how pretty we looked before we left and got on the grimy train and sweated all over the city. As per usual, Meg and I accidently color coordinated.

On the train. I can't remember why were making those faces.

This was a memorial on 5th avenue near the Empire State Building at what I think was a Quaker meetinghouse. The green ribbons stood for prayers for peace, the blues were prayers for the people of Iraq and the yellows were for American soldiers. This is only a small portion of the fence in front of the meeting house that the ribbons were tied on.

At Shake Shack. Can't go to NYC without eating at Shake Shack.

Ok, I just love this picture. Because, really, what's cuter than underwater polar bear butt?

Unless it's sleeping polar bear belly. So hard to remember that given the chance these creatures would rip my heart out and eat it still beating.

A stop at a Starbucks on the wrong end of 79th Street.

This is what the view from Sarah's new place would look like if you spun around very fast. (Or if you didn't know how to take pictures at night--the moon looks kind of cool though.)
Thanks for a fun evening, Sarah, and for being the cause of a fun day.

posted by LoRi~fLoWer
  • At 12:22 PM, Blogger Becky said…

    Damn you for taunting The Shake Shack on your blog! I knew it as soon as I saw the box and those delicious crinkle fries. So jealous...:)

  • At 11:11 PM, Blogger mist1 said…

    Please remove the photo of my furry *ss from your blog. Have some respect. Gawd.

  • At 9:16 AM, Blogger LoRi~fLoWer said…

    you must be mistaking this furry arse for your furry arse.

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